Sunday, July 26, 2020

The inexpensive, safe and effective cleaning agents found right in your home!

Baking soda and Vinegar are household products that most everyone has in their homes. However, do we know all their magic tricks?

Over the years, I’ve experimented with various cleaning brands and slowly, baking soda and vinegar became a distant memory. If it was working why change you may ask…Well…I love new and fragrant residual scents after cleaning. So I bought into those persuasive television ads….the ones where scents still emanate long after cleaning.

However, with the emergence of COVID 19 and the demand to actually ensure that germs are killed and objects are properly cleaned, I’ve rediscovered my love for these old favourites. In fact, these cleaning agents are much safer options and are very effective.

Vinegar is actually a weak and diluted form of Ethanoic acid and can effectively be useful for the following:
·        Fruit, Vegetable and Meat cleaner
·        Glass Cleaner
·        Car Deodoriser
·        Sticker remover
·        Cleaning and whitening tiles
·        Removing stains, whitens, brightens and removes mildew from clothing
·        Disinfecting and cleaning microwaves and cupboards
·        Unclogging and removing bad odours from sinks
·        Preventing mildew
·        Cleaning and deodorising toilet bowls
·        Removing fridge odours
·        Keeping car windows frost-free
·        Removing salt and water stains from shoes
·        Relieving sprained ankle pains and itching from insect bites
·        Alleviating dogs’ and cats’ itchy, scaly ears.
·        Cleaning, shining and protecting furniture

Baking Soda
Sodium Bicarbonate also known as Baking Soda is another substance that has many beneficial qualities. These include:
·        Deodorises shoes
·        Whitens teeth
·        Kills weed
·        Soothes pain from canker sores
·        Serves as a mouthwash
·        Alleviates heartburn
·        Cleans burnt stains at the base of pots
·        Polishes silverware
·        Cleans vegetables
·        Cleans bathrooms, sinks and toilets
·        Removes carpet stains
·        Eliminates garbage odours
·        Cleans kitchen appliances
·        Whitens laundry
·        Acts as an Air freshener
·        Relieves itchy skin and sunburn
·        Improves exercise performance

Rediscover your love for these relatively inexpensive, safe and effective cleaning agents!

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