Monday, July 6, 2020

Home Gardening

What do I know about it???? Almost nothing.......................

So planting and gardening have never held any real interest for me as I've regarded them as a man's job. While I do see the value of people engaging in them as a livelihood, I never really comprehended how persons would willingly expound large amounts of efforts to dig up the earth in the sun as a hobby. However, with a rise in prices of food and influx of the use of fertilisers and GMOs, I do believe its worth the investment in attempting to grow basic items.

If you're like me, I propose you start small, perhaps watching the successful blossoming of one or two plants may inspire you to add a few more to the collection of your very own home garden.
You don't need a lot of space. In fact, if you can acquire empty bottles or cups that can be spared for potted plants, that would be a good start!

Perhaps the easiest and simplest idea would be growing item that it most used in a Caribbean kitchen..........seasoning.

Growing Never-ending Chives

When using your chives, don't discard the ends, instead, place them aside for growing. In a cup one-third filled with water, place the ends in the cup. In literally one day, you will see shoots coming out from the cut chives. After a few days, you may change the water and place the cup where it can receive sunlight for a few hours. In fact, you can leave on a window sill. In about 2 weeks, you will have enough to trim off for use. 

There ya go! 

Here's a link with more easy ideas!


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