Sunday, July 26, 2020

Take that Lunch break!

About five years ago, I was an award-winning worker, the type who never took lunch breaks, worked overtime, and sometimes on weekends for free. I felt very passionate about the work I was doing and felt like my work commitment was valuable to my country and to my boss who was a political figure. I was often expected to deliver work within minutes given the nature of my boss’ job demands. I gave 200%, slept with my phone next to me in the event there was an emergency. In fact, it seemed as if there was always an emergency which further fuelled my drive and increased my sense of resourcefulness to get the work done quickly. I loved the reputation that I was the one who could deliver in a short time frame. Even though, many times I unfairly suffered the reprimand of still not doing enough.

I was burning out, tired, eating poorly and the relationship with my boyfriend at the time (now my husband) was being affected.

One poignant day after work, I proceeded to walk down the length of the street in Port-of-Spain where I worked, sometime after eight at night to catch a taxi to get to the south of Trinidad where I lived. Yes, this was a common habit. The next day, I heard a story about a woman, who was raped along the same street around the same time. This was a pivotal and introspective moment for me. I acknowledged that I was overextending myself to the detriment of myself. The rewards of praises could never be worth jeopardising my personal safety or my physical health. How often I had worked through lunch and generally felt unwell and anxious.

It wasn’t long after that I quit the job after much prayer and consultation. I believe it was the day I chose myself. Obviously, it didn’t have to come to that if I perhaps stood my ground from day one about taking a lunch break or leaving the job on time.

Growing up, my father used to tell me if I didn’t take breaks, I would slowly begin to resent my job. How true this is!

It’s always important to have a healthy perspective on our work life. We weren’t just created to work, but for many of us, we work to enhance the aspect that matters most…our family life.

Before I met my husband, I would often say that my marriage would ALWAYS be more important than my job. I even promised that if a job negatively affected my marriage, I would leave it.

To this day, every birthday and anniversary has been a mandatory day off for both my husband and myself. I have remained committed to never compromise on this. If I believe my marriage needs some time, I will take the required vacation days to work on my marriage.

Thankfully, out of the overflow of a good marriage, it is easier to enjoy work. Even on the tough workdays, I know that my treasure and my happy place is returning to my playmate and my best friend. During my lunch hour, I try to read something online or try to take a walk to my favourite place, Charlotte Street! Lol. When I return, I feel refueled to continue working, knowing that I’ve taken some time for me. I believe this makes me a better worker.

Vacation days, casual leave and lunch breaks were fashioned by the experts who understood the multi-faceted aspects of human needs. The understanding that man shall not live by work alone, but needed those moments to stop and smell the roses….. or incense on Charlotte Street, perhaps some time to reflect and decide if you are going in the direction you want to and even time to ensure that the more meaningful relationships are sufficiently sustained.

Take that lunch break!


  1. Apart from that, skipping lunch can attribute to weight gain, as the body tries to store fat due to inconsistent eating take that lunch break!

  2. Yes, we DO need to take care of ourselves...consistently! Taking the lunch break or coffee breaks, getting up and walking around, will positively affect us physically, emotionally and can give us opportunity to further develop spiritually.

  3. I break while I work, and I work at my lunch break

  4. Wow ..Life is precious,,Treasure every moment and build cheerful and build happy memories!!!!!


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